Garden Slideshow
Herb Haven is home to a vibrant production and teaching garden which is where many of the medicinal plants in “Suki’s Blends” are grown. This garden area is dedicated to the education, growth and conservation of medicinal plants.
Read more about the garden in this nice article from the Raleigh News & Observer written in May 2016.
Herbs in our Garden
Those marked with a (*) are on the plant endangered or to watch list.
- AGRIMONY- Urinary & digestive astringent, stops bleeding, incontinence
- AMERICAN GINSENG*- Superior tonic, adaptogen, immune stimulant
- ASHWAGANHDA – An adaptogen that promotes vitality
- BLACK COHOSH*– Anti-spasmodic, hormonal balance, rheumatic pain
- BLOODROOT*-Externally for warts, tumors, (in Black Salve)
- BORAGE- Adrenal tonic
- CALENDULA- Lymphatic & liver tonic, anti-fungal, vulnerary
- CALAMUS- Chew on my roots for heartburn, excess acidity and for mental focus
- CATNIP- for digestive upsets, colic, nervous stomach
- CELENDINE- I love to tone your gallbladder
- CHAMOMILE- Upset stomach, nervous tension and restful sleep, great eye wash
- CHASTE TREE- (VITEX) Normalizes pituitary activity, PMS, hot flashes
- CHICKWEED- Yummy eat me!! anti-inflammatory, soothing, diuretic
- CLEAVERS- Treats lymphatic stagnation & swelling, soothing diuretic
- COMFREY- I will mend your bones, muscles, tissues & heal wounds
- COLTSFOOT- Use me for coughs, I am a throat soother
- COWSLIP- use my flowers as a brain tonic
- CRAMP BARK – an excellent anti-spasmotic herb
- DANDELION- Eat all of me, diuretic, liver cleanser, blood sugar regulation
- ECHINACEA*- Infectious bites, immune tonic, abscesses, ant microbial
- ELDERBERRY- Eat my berries, allergy relief, anti-viral, capillary tonic
- ELECAMPANE-Root used for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis
- EVENING PRIMROSE- Edible root, oil from seeds anti-inflammatory
- FIGS- Nectar of the Gods, delicious, panacea, laxative
- HE SHOU WU (FOTI) – Adaptogen..supports enhances intestinal function lowers cholesterol
- GARLIC- Eat me…I’m antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-fungal just plan good for you
- GINKGO- Memory, anti-stroke, bronchi dilator, varicose veins
- GOLDENSEAL*- Antibacterial to, skin, throat, sinuses, urinary tract
- GOTO KOLA – Anti-inflammatory, especially helpful for the joints/connective tissue
- GROUND IVY- Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic
- HAWTHORN TREE- Heart tonic supreme, grief relief
- HOLLYHOCK- my root used like slippery elm & marshmallow root
- HOLY BASIL – I help ease stress and lower blood sugar, too!
- JIAGULAN – Adaptogen supporting healthy cholesterol levels
- LADIES MANTLE- Uterine tonic, astringent to prostate gland & uterus
- LAMB’S QUARTERS- Eat me raw or cooked…I am wild spinach!!
- LAVENDER- Smell me! Calming, antidepressant, antimicrobial, carminative
- LEMON BALM- Antiviral, upset stomach, herpes prevention, headache
- LEMON VERBENA- Drink my tea to cool off, relax and I will make you smile
- LOBELIA*- Antispasmodic, smokers addiction, spasmodic cough
- MARSHMALLOW- Root is soothing & healing to all mucus membranes
- MAYAPPLE*- Eat my ripe apple in the late spring..Rest of me toxic
- MEADOWSWEET- I treat all stomach pain, insomnia, lower acid secretion
- MIMOSA TREE – Smell me!! I am also an antidepressant
- MOTHERWORT- High blood pressure, PMS, palpitations, anxiety
- MUGWORT- Bitter tonic, nervine, flatulence, stimulates bile secretion
- MULLEIN- Respiratory tonic supreme, asthma, cold & flu, expectorant
- NETTLE- EAT ME!! BUT DO NOT TOUCH, purify blood, kidney tonic
- NETTLE ROOT- prostate tonic with Saw Palmetto
- OATS- (milky stage) Nervous system tonic and food eat me!!
- PEPPERMINT- my tea treats, nausea, upset stomach, gas, colic
- PLANTAIN- Eat me!! I heal venomous bites, stomach lining, and blood poisoning
- POKE ROOT- Lymphatic mover supreme, cystic breast diseases
- POISON IVY- Watch out for me I might cause you to ITCH..
- RASPBERRY leaf- uterine tonic, pregnancy, nursing, nourish uterus
- RED CLOVER-I am a blood cleanser, lymphatic, liver remedy, anticancer
- ROSEMARY-Strong antioxidant, drink my tea for headache, liver health
- RUE- Spiritual bathing, antispasmodic, emmenaqoque, upset stomach,
- SAGE- Powerful antioxidant, reduce excess secretions, night sweats
- ST. JOHN’S WORT- I am antiviral, antidepressant, antianxiety, nerve pain reducer
- SKULLCAP- Nervous system restorative, tremors, Parkinson’s, depleted nerves
- SOLOMONS SEAL- my roots tone your colon and also ease your joint pain
- SWEET ANNIE*- I am anti-fugal and anti-parasite, travelers diarrhea
- TANSY- Emmenagouge, bitter, do not use me during pregnancy
- TURMERIC – Anti-inflammatory and good for your liver
- VALERIAN ROOT- I will put you to sleep, relax you and calm an upset stomach
- VIOLET Leaf & flower- eat me!! Blood purifier, laxative, nutritive, demulcent too
- WILD GINGER_ I treat digestive upsets, gas, flatulence, drop a fever, sooth a cold
- WILD LETTUCE- Mild sedative, insomnia, anxiety, nervous headache, coughs
- WILLOW- I will reduce your fevers cleans your skin and take away your pain
- WOOD BETONY- Brain tonic, anti-anxiety, calmative
- WORMWOOD- Digestive bitter supreme, antiparasite, digestive tonic
- YARROW- Anti-inflammatory, internal bleeding (external too), fever reducing, diarrhea
- YELLOWDOCK- Use my root for chronic skin problems, constipation, increase iron
- YELLOW SWEET CLOVER – I help ease sharp pains in the body
All of these plants are healing and life supporting BUT do not use us unless you consult a health care professional.